It is imperative that we teach our students to use the internet with care. Vegetables are a critical part of a healthy diet. With heart attacks, fast treatment is key to saving lives. This adjective is often followed by a that clause or by to: If something is imperative, it must happen. Similarly, if something is key or critical, other things cannot happen or exist without it. It is crucial that we listen to the views of working people. It is essential to hire an architect for this sort of work. If something or someone is indispensable, it is impossible to manage without them: There are many possible alternatives so many in fact, that this is the first of two posts on the topic. Words such as essential, vital, and crucial describe very important things and also give the sense of them being absolutely necessary. Listen to the author reading this blog post: by Liz Walter The word ‘important’ is extremely common and is sometimes overused by learners of English. However, this phrase is most commonly used in negative sentences to say that something isn’t really very important at all:Īcting isn’t the be-all and end-all for me, so I plan to continue my medical studies. Something that is the be-all and end-all is the most important thing. Mountaineers may be faced with life-and-death decisions at any time. What is another word for life-or-death that you can use instead. He described the contest as a matter of life and death. She is taking the all-important entrance exam next week. These phrases often refer quite literally to the possibility of death: For even more emphasis, we can say that something is a matter of life and death or that it is a life-and-death issue. Using the adjective all-important is a way of emphasizing the importance of something. Getting into college was a big deal for me. She immediately realised the significance of her discovery. His evidence was significant because it led the police to the murder weapon.

More informally, we can say that something is a big deal: Something that is important or noticeable can be described as significant (the related noun is significance).

Music is the thing that matters most to me. To start with a basic verb, if something is important to us, it matters: This one looks at general words, words meaning ‘extremely important’ and words that carry the sense of something being necessary. There are many possible alternatives – so many in fact, that this is the first of two posts on the topic. The word ‘important’ is extremely common and is sometimes overused by learners of English. And if you love and obey the Lord, you will live long in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.Listen to the author reading this blog post: Science Photo Library/GettyImages Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! 20 You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make.

You will not live a long, good life in the land you are crossing the Jordan to occupy.ġ9 “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. If you do this, you will live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you and the land you are about to enter and occupy.ġ7 “But if your heart turns away and you refuse to listen, and if you are drawn away to serve and worship other gods, 18 then I warn you now that you will certainly be destroyed. 16 For I command you this day to love the Lord your God and to keep his commands, decrees, and regulations by walking in his ways. 12 It is not kept in heaven, so distant that you must ask, ‘Who will go up to heaven and bring it down so we can hear it and obey?’ 13 It is not kept beyond the sea, so far away that you must ask, ‘Who will cross the sea to bring it to us so we can hear it and obey?’ 14 No, the message is very close at hand it is on your lips and in your heart so that you can obey it.ġ5 “Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster. 11 “This command I am giving you today is not too difficult for you, and it is not beyond your reach.